Friday, April 22, 2011

How I Made My First Wedding Cake

32 eggs. 24 cups of grated carrot. 15 cups of icing sugar. Yes, I made my first (only?) amateur wedding cake last weekend.

It's based on an Epicurious carrot cake that the groom remembered from a potluck long ago. The recipe is very forgiving. I made minimal adaptations, adding 1/2 cup of coconut and subbing 1/2 cup of apple sauce for some of the oil. I also had to bake the bigger cakes for an hour in order to get the centre to cook.

The first cake went into the oven at 8:30 am. The last one came out at 7:50 pm (granted, I went to work for a few hours). The cakes finally went into the fridge at 11:30 pm in their little nests of paper boxes lined with garbage bags.

Keys to success / mental stability:

1. A long skinny spatula.

2. The help of my lovely boyfriend. Not only did his mother teach him how to iron as a teenager, she taught him how to ice a cake. She is awesome.

3. Lots of practice cakes, which were consumed by my charming co-workers.

4. Accepting that I am an amateur baker, and it will look like an amateur cake. Yes, there were a few little flecks of cake in the icing. C'est la vie.


  1. This cakes looks far from amateur - it is gorgeous! I love to bake and decorate but I cannot imagine making a wedding cake. You're risen to the challenge and succeeded beautifully! I'm sure the bride and groom were mighty pleased! Great work and have a lovely weekend!

  2. i'm so impressed by your cake! it turned out beautifully and i'm sure it tasted yummy too! i also cannot get over how many eggs and cups of carrots you used!!! great job!

  3. This is very simple and best wedding cake. After seeing this cake every one know that today is very special day for someone. I am really impressed becuase I like simplicity so much.

  4. You're the kind of amateur I'd hire to make my wedding cake. And it's on a stump! So lovely :)
